"Heaven World 1"

I had begun to notice some exceptionally beautiful things occurring in the home that Barbara, my wife of 18 years (companion of 23) and I share. One Sunday in the summer of this year, 2021, we luxuriously gave ourselves "catch-up sleep", and without making any spoken agreement, each returned to bed several times that afternoon to get a few more winks. The upcoming week would make its demands. We needed to be prepared. 

I awoke from one of these hour-or-so long naps and looked around. Our bedroom, the trees outside the sliding balcony doors...our own relaxed states...it all looked so beautiful! It became the subject of my first painting in this series.

"Heaven World 2"

Not long after completing "Heaven World 1," I had another epiphany of joy, in our home. My attention was directed toward noticing a  a collaboration we frequently engaged in over dinner preparations. Barbara would be in the kitchen, creating  inspired evening meals for us, and I would pick up my guitar and being singing songs we both loved: one from our spiritual life, one of my own composition, or an old rock song. She would sing along as she cooked.

This frequent evening tableau became "Heaven World 2", shown below.

"Domestiques" series # 3: [There's a real story to this one]
"The Argument Over Making Pancakes"

After completing "Heaven World 1" and "Heaven World 2", I said to Barbara, "Just so this won't go to our heads...to remind us we're still a "work-in-progress", I need to complete the series with a painting of an ARGUMENT!"

However, I did not immediately do the projected third painting. I procrastinated about it. After all, who really wants to "advertise" that their marriage or life is not yet perfect? You could say I was in Denial. This went on for several weeks. I had other things to attend to. I did a few other paintings.

At some point, I posted the 2 finished ones on a Facebook Group's Art page, one called the "Carl Jung Art Interpretation Bridge." In my discussing the two completed paintings, I mentioned the projected third one about the argument. The administrator of the page, a gracious woman named Juneita Singh, expressed her appreciation of the two paintings I'd shared, and in a brief separate comment, the wrote, "You should DO the third one, about the argument!" I felt she was right, and her words lit the fire under me that enabled me to set to work!

Here is the completed piece, "THE ARGUMENT ABOUT MAKING PANCAKES." My challenge in doing this painting was to incorporate Love and Compassion into the composition, not just self-criticism! I had no idea how to do that...but as often happens, in the doing, the answers came, and you can see them in the reproduction below.

[Below, the words in blue are HYPERLINKS]
Here are the rest of the pages on this website that I call

Note: I'm behind on cataloguing the rest of this year's paintings, but
here is an article about them,
published recently in the online journal