An Artist’s Meditation on
the Dialogue with COLOR
You want to see
colors talk to one another,
and what they say!
How, like people,
when they’re together awhile,
their auras blend.
Surprises begin to arise,
even sometimes an offspring of two!
You want to learn
the inner life of colors,
of their friendships
with one another,
and yes, with you.
You want to sharpen
your perception; most of all,
you want to wake up!
Kandinsky and others
have written and painted
about this,
but it isn’t something
you can really get from a book
or even a Museum.
Like Mr. Heisenberg has told us,
you have to observe
the living spirit…
in this case, of color,
and as color
is the lifeblood of form,
it will teach you,
awaken you
to who you are
and what you
are doing here.
You’re an alchemist, my friend!
Let color, so ubiquitous,
so unseen, take you through
some of the gates of yourself,
bring you closer to
the ultimate
(August, 2021)
painting: work-in-progress that inspired this writing