TIME’S PRECIOUS (a villanelle)

Time’s precious, moments do not come again.
Each day we meet our challenges anew.
Many things happen that we did not plan.

Entropy sometimes appears to reign.
Love seems to vanish like the morning dew.
Time’s precious:, moments do not come again.

We mean the best, and act from what we ken.
Actual sight is only for the few.
Many things happen that we did not plan.

We hatch the best plans made by mice or men.
Offstage, the hero, waiting for his cue.
Time’s precious, moments do not come again.

“Love writes the play” flowed from a wise man’s pen.
All who love take stands that this is true.
Many things happen that we did not plan.

Faith alone can make us truly sane
While standing in each momentary queue.
Time’s precious, moments do not come again.
Many things happen that we did not plan.
written 5/18/22 copyright by Max Reif
Painting: "Meher Baba in Front of the Lagoon Cabin" by Marla Faith